Scrum for myself

Yesterday I explained I have attended recently a couple of courses. One of them was about Scrum. The course was very interesting, although, as I explained in the evaluation, there were times when I wished there were only one teacher instead of three. At the end of the course, I took a test, and now I’m Scrum Manager certified. I must say that the exam was quite difficult, but I don’t consider myself a Scrum manager. Not even a Scrum practitioner. Anyway, as I wrote yesterday I’m trying to define my future as a professional, and I have planned some topics in which I would like to improve, and some things I would like to do. So I decided to create a list of stories, with tasks, and planned short sprints in order to complete those stories. I even started to use Scrum Ninja. I’m the team, the product owner and the Scrum Manager. Yes, I know that isn’t Scrum. Maybe “Scrum in name only”. But it has been very interesting to read Borja Prieto writing about Scrum in a company.

First published here